
King macun honey

King macun honey

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King Hebal Paste Macun King epimedium Macun with Ferula root and Tripolis is a 100% natural product based on the herbs that offer results similar to those of the chemical drugs without any stress or side effects. The main ingredients of this product are epimedium, Ferula roots, and Tripolis. • Ingredients Vegetarian Honey, Epimedium, Ferula root (Ferula Eleocharis), Tribulus ( Tribulus Terrestris), Carob, Red Ginseng, Cinnamon peel, Royal Jelly • Package and Usage: 12 Sachets ( 15 gr) in the box. Use 1 Sachet 1 hour before sex. Warning: Keep in a cool and dry place out of reach of children. Don't use in pregnancy and breastfeeding or under 18 or when have a special health condition
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