
Are there too many of us?

Okay, a little rant, and PLEASE tell me to STFU if this is outta line. I’ve been doing FSSW since I was…very young. It’s been 10 years. Last summer I made a KILLING and had multiple texts a day from people viewing my Tryst profile and several clients a week. Now I’m lucky if I get one or two texts a week. Uh? I’m noticing that a lot of girls my age or in college are trying sugaring. Like, way more than I’ve ever noticed. Many of my friends are beginning to hop on Seeking. For some, I encourage and support them. But for these girls who already make a living at their day job – and just want extra travel money or whatever – is it unethical for them to potentially be creating competition? I have bills to pay and cannot work a conventional job for health reasons. SW is what I’ve always been able to count on. Am I bitter for nothing? Is it all in my head? Are things five times slower for EVERYONE? And a cry for help…If anyone else has a Tryst – how do you get more traffic?? Anyway… thanks for reading just needed someone to hear me out

EDIT: overwhelmed by your insightful and thoughtful replies. Thank you for your opinions and knowledge 🙏




  • When economy turns to shit, less men have less disposable income, which means less clients. Provider wise and going by the site I use regularly, it has gone up from 200 weekly to 301, but the number of providers in the capital of the country I reside in has never been more than 160.
  • I also feel EVERYTHING you’re saying! It’s happening to a lot of us. But there were some really great comments on here in response to your post.
  • Please don’t gate keep work, in any form. I have relied on SW as my sole sources of income, starting when I was young too, but I always had the goal to keep it as a side hustle while I made bills and living expenses from vanilla work. I reached that goal 7 years ago. I like the stability and legitimacy of my vanilla job, but I love the rushes of hustling in the club, of meeting new incalls, and loved hearing the tokens when I cammed. If sex work is work, and if it’s not unethical, then it’s not unethical to do it as sole income, part-time, or even just for touristing. The competition might be frustrating, but your situation isn’t their problem.
  • I’m a client, not with escorts per se, but with fetish providers, if it makes any difference. Yes, during bad economic times, people are more likely to try to jump into things like this to make a quick buck. For the types of providers, I see, I’ve seen a lot more listings from new people who just don’t know what they’re doing, but I just ignore those listings until they establish a presence in the scene and it’s well know they’re legit. Last summer I made a KILLING and had multiple texts a day from people viewing my Tryst profile and several clients a week. Now I’m lucky if I get one or two texts a week. Uh? Last year we had kept 0% interest rates from the Fed (well, technically more like 0.08%), with the trillions of dollars of COVID relief we had printed out that mostly went to the top 20%. That resulted in an economy with many more high-paying jobs, including jobs that shouldn’t exist and at companies that shouldn’t exist, stock/crypto/housing bubbles, super cheap mortgage/car loan rates, etc. Now the Fed is sucking the money out, layoffs are starting, home owners are sitting on properties they can’t sell without taking a massive loss, the free money train is over. The top will still always have money, but the customer base will be much, much smaller. But for these girls who already make a living at their day job – and just want extra travel money or whatever – is it unethical for them to potentially be creating competition? No more unethical than you wanting to limit the competition by not letting them work.
  • No matter what business you are in you will always of competition. That’s just the reality of all business. Those that adapt to change and slow Times survive. Like any business it’s all about marketing yourself.
  • This industry separates the wheat from the chaff fairly quickly, the vast majority of people who try sex work don’t end up staying in it.
  • This is complicated, but I don’t believe so. This is an industry where there’s really something for everyone and clients like variety for a multitude of reasons. Secondly, how others run their business doesn’t affect me as I don’t really think of anyone else as competition. I truly want everyone to win and as long as they aren’t harming themselves engaging with clients, that’s not really my worry or concern. My concern is making sure I provide the best service as safe and safe as possible for my clients. And I’m low volume, so I know those who reach out to me have other options when I turn them down for various reasons, such as screening, scheduling, deposit, etc. Your concern is valid! I am not going to put you down for it!
  • It’s changing. It used to be frowned upon. We were considered disgusting and looked down on. Now sex work is glamorized through social media. I prefer when there was a stigma. I don’t care what strangers that aren’t paying me think about me. I care about how much money I can make. It is over saturated now.
  • I feel like the amount of women working has gone up ever since some people started to show off the life style on tiktok and IG. It has made it seem more acceptable the younger women and they don’t ever show the bad side of it on tik tok. I also feel like a lot of the fake videos showing off the lifestyle, is to try and traffic young women who don’t know the difference between the fake posts.
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